Canadian Family Offices: Can Canada’s slide in charitable donations be stopped? A few ideas

May 08, 2024

Luisa Velez

Luisa Velez

Director, Corporate Communications

Charitable donations in Canada have been on a downward spiral, with tax filers claiming charitable deductions dropping for the 11th consecutive year, according to Statistics Canada. Our founder and CEO, John Bromley, recently shared his thoughts on this concerning trend that demands our attention and action in a recent article by Canadian Family Offices with other experts in the charitable sector. The piece delved into the different factors that contribute to this trend, including shifts in religious affiliation, donor fatigue, and proposed tax changes. But despite challenges, there's optimism in the rise of planned giving and the crucial role of ultra-high-net-worth donors in bolstering philanthropy.

In the publication, John emphasizes the need for a cultural shift towards giving and long-term engagement, advocating for education on philanthropy rather than solely focusing on fundraising efforts. These insights shed light on the complex landscape of charitable giving and call for innovative solutions to reignite generosity in Canadian society.

Want to learn more about this? Read the full article here.